Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson’s Patients
Parkinson's Disease causes a loss of function within the motor systems of our bodies. This can cause movements to be smaller, slower, less accurate, and less coordinated. It can also cause a shuffling gait pattern and often, a resting tremor.
These physical challenges are what boxers condition to improve. Boxing conditions individuals for optimal agility, speed, endurance, accuracy, balance, coordination and overall strength - key elements that are necessary to develop in order to fight back against the progression of Parkinson’s disease.
Focused research shows that forced, intense exercise can improve Parkinson's symptoms, thus the Rock Steady Boxing Method was born.
Rocksteady at SLS Fitness
Founded in Indianapolis, Indiana in 2006, the Rock Steady Boxing (RSB) method focuses on maximizing the mental, emotional, and physical potential of people with Parkinson's Disease. RSB is an intensive and rigorous one-hour exercise program.
The circuit-based format includes a variety of exercises that focus on balance, gait, agility, and endurance, while also incorporating boxing techniques and drills. These include heavy bag drills, focus mitts, speed bag drills, double-end bag drills, and more. The program looks to enhance their quality of life and ability to enjoy and perform activities of daily living.
Class Design
The Rock Steady Boxing (RSB) Program at SLS Fitness starts with an initial evaluation with a physical therapist on staff to assess the client’s current functional status and fall risk. This assessment is followed by observation and/or participation in one of our five RSB classes offered throughout the week. Assessments are done annually with our Physical therapist team.
Our RSB classes are 60 minutes and tailored to the Parkinson’s population. The exercise regimen within the classes changes on a weekly basis, but all classes include a variety of balance, gait, and strength training paired with boxing and coordination drills.
For participants with advanced stages of the disease, we ask that they are accompanied by a care partner or “corner-man,” who will work closely with the SLS coaches to help spot and support them during the workout.
All RSB classes at SLS Fitness are led by our team of physical therapists, with additional support from our SLS coaches.
By participating in the RSB program at SLS Fitness, participants gain strength, endurance, and functional mobility while improving their gait and balance. They also leave class feeling more energized and mobile, ultimately improving their quality of life. The RSB program at SLS prides itself on creating a positive and supportive community in which members feel safe and empowered to fight back against Parkinson’s Disease.